Twinks Gets Fit...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I'm changing my rewards.

New clothes are a given when I lose weight. Do you want to know what gives me more motivation to lose weight? Goodies for Kaelyn. For example, I have been restraining myself all day from buying every. single. Raffi item I can find--because Raffi is a genius and I just now remembered how much I loved him growing up. I can hardly wait to fill up her playroom with toys. I can hardly wait to climb into the inflatable pool filled with ball pit balls with her. I can hardly wait for lounging on bean bag chairs for story time. ::SQUEEEEEE::

Yes. Little will be spoiled.

There, I said it. Now, I'm not saying that we won't teach her to appreciate what she has and that so many people are less fortunate and so on and so forth, but gosh darn it, she deserves the best that we can give her.

Gee--remember when I thought the Hubs was going to always be the one to give in? Yeah, we're both softies.

SO...back to the topic of discussion, which is REWARDS (AKA: Excuses for Krys to go on mini shopping sprees). I'm arranging these purposely where there are a couple options for each (just in case we buy her one of them before) and by the time I should reach that goal, it'll really be before she'll use that toy.

1-Kickstart my self esteem (lose 14 pounds)...7 lost, 7 to go.
Winkel & My Pal Scout

2-Pre-pregnancy weight (lose 9 more pounds)
Alphabet Zoo, Flash Beat Drum, Picnic Basket, Light-up Learning Camera (Choose 2)
3-Wedding weight (lose 15 more pounds)
2 Bean bag chairs, Ryan's Activity Center, Chubbies Bucket, Blocks (Choose 1)
4-Psychological happy dance (lose 6 more pounds)
Rocking horse, Mater Activity Ride On, Ball Pit (inflatable pool and balls) (Choose 1)
5-BMI number I like (lose 17 more pounds)
Indoor playground/climber, Explore and Learn Helicopter, Tunnel, Blocks, Puzzles (Climber OR Choose 3 of others)

6-Psychological Touchdown, including celebratory dance and spiking of...well, I'll have to find something to spike (lose 12 more pounds)
Sandbox and tools, Basketball set and T-Ball set and Table/Chairs, Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon(Choose 1 group)

Ah. Now I feel much more motivated. Not that I wasn't before, but it's amazing the power behind knowing I'm doing something for Little!

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