Twinks Gets Fit...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

-Being married to the Hubs for over 2 years.
-Unbreakable mirrors. Entertaining for both Little and us.
-Cooler weather. Love.
-An absolutely adorable costume for Little arriving today! :squeeeeeee:
-Having a reason to like Halloween now.
-Our new (refurb) Dyson. Awesome squared.
-In the same respect--Swiffers Dusters.
-Winter grass going in this weekend!
-Vacay in 2 weeks!! ::vacation happy dance::
-The playroom. It's so bright and happy and it feels like a really cool treehouse. I'm also glad I did the mural, even though it took forever.
-BabyLegs for the cuteness factor, but also because they keep Little's knees warm and better protected from the floor.
-Handmade things. I never thought I was the type, but I'm becoming a big fan of Etsy stores.
-A freezer stocked with homemade baby food. It makes me feel good. (Especially now that Little gets really excited for her food, particularly pumpkin and peaches.)
-Having the house filled with the aroma of pumpkin, peaches, any number of baking fruits/veggies.
-Elections coming up and several members of one particular political party getting da boot. (No offense.)
-Budaj (the goalie, not our doggie) taking the #1 spot due to Anderson's knee injury--though as previously stated, I wish no ill upon him; I actually like Anderson. Very happy Budaj's getting ice time, although (and this is just a side note), I wish he'd cut his hair. He and Liles can go to Supercuts together.
-Feeling like I have a headstart on Christmas shopping. Love shopping for little ones.
-Getting back to basics playing with Kaelyn and all her toys. It's like rediscovering things and seeing them through her eyes. For example--How did I not know how fascinating it is to play with blocks or project stars on the ceiling???

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