Twinks Gets Fit...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

40 Days...

So today is Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lent season. Time to sacrifice something for 40 days. Now this isn't something I've been a participant of in the past, but I'm going to start this year. Perhaps the most impactful Lent sacrifice I've witnessed is fasting. Jason did this a few years ago. I still remember going out to dinner at Ruby's Diner with him and Sherry. Us girls were chowing down on greasy burgers and Jason sat there calmly sipping his juice. I don't have that kind of willpower, plus my mind would turn to mush after less than a day of not eating actual food. I have decided on three things I will either give up or commit to, however.

1) I'm giving up eating after 8pm. I wouldn't say I'm much of an evening snacker, but it's not healthy to eat after a certain time and I make very unwise food decisions at that point.

2) I will walk at least 30 minutes every day.

3) I will read a little bit of the Bible every day. I've subscribed for the Bible verse a day email so I'm sure to read at least that each day, which is more than I do now. I have a study Bible for women--it's supposed to be intended for women in their 20s and 30s--that I've been wanting to read so this will also give me the opportunity to read that.

So a couple things for my health and one spiritual commitment. Now, for day one...

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