Twinks Gets Fit...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Don't go through life without goals. Go out and get some.

Okay, so I totally stole that from my Colorado Avalanche t-shirt, but it's still true. Note: I totally messed up the above quote. It's actually "Go score some," which makes much more sense.

 I, in the context of losing weight, change my goals pretty often. I'm one of those people who likes to plan too much, gets a little over-eager and then I inevitably have to update my goals, my timeframe to meet my goals, and so on. So in that spirit, here we go again:

Goal 1 Met (-15 lbs): My Pal Violet and V-Tech Camera

Goal 2 Met (-20 lbs): Ball Pit
Goal 3 Met (-25 lbs): Alphabet Learning Zoo Spinning Wheel and Tucker (Wheel Pal)
Goal 4 (-36 lbs) by 1/10: UGG style boots. The Hubs just cringed. Or other new shoes.
Goal 5 (-45 lbs) by 2/14: Moto-jacket, leatheresque.
Goal 6 (-52 lbs) by 3/7: Clothing shopping spree--hopefully for some great button down shirts
Goal 7 (-59 lbs) by 3/28: Pedicure & Haircut
Goal 8 (-66 lbs) by 4/18: The ultimate search for pants shopping spree.
ULTIMATE GOAL--Goal 11 (-74 lbs) by 5/16: Bounce House or Outdoor Climber or Playhouse or Grass for our side yard (and for Little)

As Little isn't exactly lacking toys and her b-day is around the corner, I modified my rewards to be more wardrobe-minded, since I do need an overhaul. I kept my ultimate goal reward the same since that'll be right around summer time.

NOW, onto this week's McFatty Monday. You may have noticed Goal #4 is losing a total of 36 pounds. DONE! I don't consider revising my goals cheating either because I previously had more goals and I already met one that went un-rewarded, hehe.

Sooo. 36 pounds. Vamanos.

This means I made it through the holiday season without adding a spare tire to the stomach region, or at least, I've rectified the situation. The scale is now a friend and the bearer of good tidings (most days).

I also decided to check in with my inches lost progress. Ready for this? (These are all that I started off measuring and from my initial measurements in June)

Waist: -5 inches
Hips: -5 inches
Upper Thigh: -3 inches
Upper Arm: -1.5 inches

So a total of 14.5 inches lost in just those areas.

I'm definitely noticing a difference. For one thing, I'm down 3 jeans sizes from when I started. I'm not into my so-called "skinny" jeans yet, but I easily slid into a pair I haven't worn in a good while. In addition to my weight goals, I have pants goals. I have this really sharp pair of pinstripe work pants I can hardly wait to wear. It's funny to think that those will probably be too big when all is said and done (and won't that be beyond cool?)

Okay, and since I haven't posted a side profile probably since I was pregnant, I present to you a side-profile, blurry, progress photo. Yes, I realize that xerox paper shows more signs of UV exposure than my pale, English skin. You should (or shouldn't) see my legs.

Motivation for the coming week: Sherry and Deanna and helping to keep them on track to their goals too. (They joined me on WW)

Goal for the coming week: Do just ONE pilates workout. I think this is more feasible now that Little is getting into more of a bedtime routine and is going to bed earlier (and easier!)

Question: Do you have a goal outfit/clothing item? Also, I've heard lately that a gluten-free diet can help with a lot of health issues, but also that it might help with weight loss--any experience with this? 

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