A little info on the diapers. They're AIOs (all-in-ones), which are the easiest form of cloth diaper. It requires no folding, no diaper cover, and these are one-size snaps so they grow with the child. This way you're not having to guesstimate how many you'll need in small, medium, large, etc. This particular brand got very high reviews and they're a fraction of the cost of comparable diapers. They're about $9.50 each, while other similar diapers go for $20+ each. The savings for cloth diapers vs. disposable varies per household with what type of diapers are used and so forth. I'm not debating one is better than the other because I'm new to all of this so we still have to see what will work best for us. The reason we went with AIOs was because of the ease of use--for us, for family, for day care. The reason for trying cloth diapers at all included: cost/savings every month, the whole "green" idea, has been shown to make potty training easier, and cloth cuts down on occurences of diaper rash. There are more reasons, but that's the gist of it.
First impression had me a bit confused. I knew each diaper came with 2 inserts (so you can double the absorption power at night), but I opened up a diaper and the inserts were just sitting in there. I didn't like the idea of them bunching up or spilling out the sides, but turns out I just hadn't looked closely enough. After washing them, I discovered they have an opening to stuff the insert into. Ahh, that made much more sense. I couldn't understand why no one would have complained about it otherwise given all the reviews I looked over before taking the plunge.
They washed very well and the construction and quality looks good. I decided to air dry everything because I read the inserts tend to pill if put through the dryer. The actual diaper part required minimal drying, it's really just the inserts. The material of the inserts is a little--I'm not sure how to describe it--it's soft, but it's sort of like the faux-fleece lining you'd find in a sweatshirt. Hopefully Kaelyn doesn't have a sensitivity to it. That's really my only complaint. I'm excited to give them a try. I really hope cloth diapering works for us. It might just save us enough to justify another purchase...
I can dream, can't I?
So step 1 is complete. The stack of trial diapers is awaiting Kaelyn's arrival up in her nursery. I'll update once we have a chance to use them on her!
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